Source code for eve_panel.auth

auth module
Authentication and Authorization handling

import base64

import panel as pn
import param
import pkg_resources

from .eve_model import EveModelBase

[docs]class EveAuthBase(param.Parameterized): """Base class for Eve authentication scheme Inheritance: param.Parameterized: """
[docs] def get_headers(self): """Generate auth headers for HTTP requests. Returns: dict: Auth related headers to be included in all requests. """ return {}
[docs] def login(self): """perform any actions required to aquire credentials. Returns: bool: whether login was successful """ return True
[docs] def panel(self): """Get the panel representation of this object for GUI Returns: panel.Viewable: GUI widgets with impotant inputs and feedback for the auth scheme """ return pn.Column()
[docs] def set_token(self, token): """Set the access token manually. Args: token ([type]): [description] """ self.token = token
[docs]class EveBasicAuth(EveAuthBase): """ Support for eve basic auth. Inheritance: EveAuthBase: """ username = param.String(precedence=1, doc="Basic auth username") password = param.String(precedence=2, doc="Basic auth password") token = param.ClassSelector(bytes, default=b"", doc="Basic auth token")
[docs] def login(self): if not self.token: self.token = base64.b64encode( f"{self.username}:{self.password}".encode()) return True
[docs] def get_headers(self): self.login() return {"Authorization": f"Basic {self.token}"}
[docs] def panel(self): return pn.Param(self.param, parameters=["username", "password"], widgets={"password": pn.widgets.PasswordInput})
[docs]class EveBearerAuth(EveAuthBase): """ Support for Eve bearer auth. Inheritance: EveAuthBase: """ token = param.String(doc="Beaer token")
[docs] def get_headers(self): if self.token: return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}"} else: return {}
[docs] def login(self): return bool(self.token)
[docs] def panel(self): return pn.panel(self.param.token)
AUTH_CLASSES = { "Basic": EveBasicAuth, "Bearer": EveBearerAuth, }
[docs]class AuthSelector(EveAuthBase): """ Allows selecting from available authentication schemes """ auth_options = {k: v() for k, v in AUTH_CLASSES.items() } #[v() for v in AUTH_CLASSES.values()] _auth_object = param.ObjectSelector( default=auth_options[list(auth_options)[0]], objects=auth_options, label="Authentication") # _auth = param.ClassSelector(EveAuthBase, default=EveBasicAuth()) @property def token(self): return getattr(self._auth_object, "token", "") @token.setter def token(self, val): setattr(self._auth_object, "token", val)
[docs] def login(self): return self._auth_object.login()
[docs] def get_headers(self): return self._auth_object.get_headers()
[docs] @param.depends("_auth_object") def auth_view(self): if self._auth_object is None or not hasattr(self._auth_object, "panel"): return pn.Column() return self._auth_object.panel()
[docs] def set_auth_by_name(self, name): self._auth_object = self.param._auth_object.names[name]
[docs] def panel(self): return pn.Column(self.param._auth_object, self.auth_view)
def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('eve_panel.auth'): auth_class = entry_point.load() if issubclass(auth_class, EveAuthBase): AUTH_CLASSES[] = auth_class auth_options = {k: v() for k, v in AUTH_CLASSES.items()} self.param._auth_object.objects = list(auth_options.values()) self.param._auth_object.names = auth_options self._auth_object = auth_options[list(auth_options)[0]]